View PDF of Active Projects Map
The projects listed below are not a comprehensive list of projects in the City of Santee. For additional information about a project, please call 619-258-4100 ext. 167.
Active Project List
17 - New West Subdivision
9436 Slope St.
24 - Fanita Drive Townhomes
8504 Fanita Dr
25 - Rockvill Warehouse (Southwest Signal Building)
10756 Rockvill St.
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Appendix A - Air Quality Modeling
- Appendix B - Biological Study
- Appendix C - Geotechnical Investigation
- Appendix D - Sustainable Santee Checklist
- Appendix E - Storm Water Quality Management Plan
- Appendix F - Noise Modeling
- Appendix G - Water & Sewer Availability
27- Fanita Ranch
Fanita Ranch Essential Housing Project Notice of Exemption
Essential Housing Project Checklist - Signed Certification
Draft Recirculated Sections of the Final Revised EIR Fanita Ranch Project
Final Revised EIR Fanita Ranch Project
29 - Excel Hotel
381 Town Center Pkwy
- Supplemental Environmental Checklist & Addendum
- Appendix A - Air Quality Modeling
- Appendix B - Biological Study
- Appendix C - Geotechnical Evaluation
- Appendix D - Hydrology & SWQMP
- Appendix E - Noise Modeling
- Appendix F - VMT Assessment
- Appendix G - GHG/Energy Modeling
- Appendix H - Water & Sewer Availability
- Drainage Study
31 - St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian Catholic Church
9300 Pike Rd.
Class 32 Exemption Analysis Attachments:
- Attachment A - Biological Resource Letter Report
- Attachment B - Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Memo
- Attachment C - Noise Analysis
- Attachment D - Air Quality Analysis
- Attachment E - Hydrology & Drainage Study
- Attachment F - Storm Water Quality Management Plan
- Attachment G - Sustainable Santee Checklist
- Attachment H - Cultural Resources Record Search Memo
- Attachment I - Geotechnical Evaluation
32- Atlas Tower At Santee Lakes
9310 Fanita Pkwy
36 - Santee Auto Center
10335 Mission Gorge Rd.
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Mailing)
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (County Clerk Posting)
- Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Initial Study
- Appendix A - Air Quality Modeling
- Appendix B - Traffic Impact Analysis
- Appendix D - Phase II Cultural Resources Testing & Evaluation Report
- Appendix F - Geotechnical Investigation
- Appendix G - Sustainable Santee Checklist
- Appendix H - Drainage Study
- Appendix I - Storm Water Quality Management Plan
- Appendix J - Noise Analysis
- Notice of Application
- Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation dated March 9, 2022
- Plans
38 - Habitat For Humanity
8931 1st St.
39 - Super Star Car Wash
8873 Magnolia Ave.
- Notice of Application
- Plans
- Final Analysis
- Attachment 1- DTSC EnviroStor Map
- Attachment 2- Noise Impact Study
- Attachment 3- Traffic Impact Statement
- Attachment 4- Air Quality Modeling Worksheets
- Attachment 5- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Worksheets
- Attachment 6- USFWS IPaC Resource List
- Attachment 7- Service Request Letters
- Attachment 8- Biological Survey Memorandum
- Attachment 9- Parking Demand Analysis
40 - Aubrey Glen Arch
Buena Vista Lot Split
Princess Joann Cell Tower
West of Princess Joann Road & North of Cuyamaca Street
Safety & Environmental Justice Element
The Stand Restaurant Outdoor Dining
Town Center Specific Plan Update
- Notice of Availability
- Notice of Availability County Clerk Form K
- Town Center Specific Plan August 2024 Draft
- Town Center Specific Plan Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Appendix A – Notice of Preparation (NOP) and NOP Comments
- Appendix B – Air Quality Technical Report
- Appendix C – Biological Technical Report
- Appendix D – Cultural Resources Sensitivity Analysis
- Appendix E – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Report
- Appendix F – Noise Technical Report
- Appendix G – Construction and Operation Energy Use Calculations
- Appendix H – Water Supply Assessment