Business License FAQs

Frequently asked questions regarding obtaining a business license in Santee.

How do I start a business in Santee?

Please read the Guide to Starting a New Business.

How do I apply for a business license?

A City business license application is required to be filed for a new business. The business license application fee is $108, which includes a $4 State fee for disability access (AB-1379). Once a business license has been issued, the City will email an annual renewal notice to the business contact. A business license can be applied for online on Santee's Permitting & Licensing Portal.

Please allow 2 weeks for your application to be processed if your business is based in the City. Businesses based outside of the City can be approved upon receipt of a complete application and fee.  Business should not be conducted without an approved license.

When would I need to apply for a Regulatory Permit?

In addition to a business license, certain types of businesses also require a regulatory business permit application with the appropriate fee. This application and fee is in addition to the business license. Review by the County of San Diego Sheriff Department will be required prior to approval of the application.

Some examples of Regulatory Permits include:

  • Amusement establishments
  • Auction and auctioneers
  • Circuses and carnivals
  • Entertainment/Public Dance
  • Firearm sales
  • Secondhand dealers
  • Peddlers
  • Solicitors

You can obtain the appropriate regulatory permit fee amount and regulatory permit application on Santee's Permitting & Licensing Portal. Allow up to six weeks for processing.

For additional information, email Tanya Espinola, Account Clerk at tespinola@cityofsanteeca.gov or call 619-258-4100 ext.146.

How do I renew a business license?

Renewal notices are emailed on an on-going basis. Business licenses expire one (1) year from issuance.  A business license can be renewed online on Santee's Permitting & Licensing Portal. The annual business license renewal fee is currently $42, which includes a $4 State fee for disability access (AB-1379)

How do I make changes to an existing license?

A business license application is required for a change of address to an existing business or a change of business name. There is currently a fee of $48, only for a change of location for business licenses located in the City, which follows the same approval process as a new business license.

Licenses are not transferable. Changes to ownership requires a new business license application and the old account will be closed out.

For information on existing businesses in the City of Santee, email Tanya Espinola, Account Clerk at tespinola@cityofsanteeca.gov or call 619-258-4100 ext.146.

I am doing work from my home; do I need a business license?

A city business license is required for any business conducted within a residential dwelling in Santee by the inhabitants of the dwelling. The application fee for a home occupation business is currently $58, which includes a $4 State fee for disability access (AB-1379). The annual business license renewal fee is currently $42, which includes a $4 State fee for disability access (AB-1379). A home occupation license can be applied for online

Can I prepare and/or sell food out of my home?

Yes, you can prepare and/or sell food out of your home. In addition to a home occupation license, you can also apply for a Cottage Food Operation and Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation.

Cottage Food Operation – Allows minor food production at residences. These are regulated by the County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health, Food and Housing Division

Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) -- This San Diego County program requires application.

When are business license renewals due? Are there any penalties?

A business license expires one (1) year from issuance. Renewals are due on or before the expiration date. There is a 30 day grace period. Penalties are assessed each month the license is not renewed, currently at $17.50 per month. Businesses located out of the city are exempt from late fees. Renewals can be paid online on Santee's Permitting & Licensing Portal.

I misplaced my business license certificate, how can I get another one?

A copy of your business license certificate can be acquired by once you log into your account on Santee's Permitting & Licensing Portal.

How do I search for existing businesses in the City?

For information on existing businesses in the City of Santee, email Tanya Espinola, Account Clerk at tespinola@cityofsanteeca.gov or call 619-258-4100 ext.146.

City of Santee Seal
City of Santee
10601 Magnolia Ave.
Santee, CA 92071

City Hall Operational Hours:
M-Th 8:00am – 5:00pm, F 8:00am – 1:00pm

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