Cannabis Businesses
In Santee, California
In 2022, the City of Santee adopted the Cannabis Business Ordinance (Ordinance No. 602) as Chapter 7.04 of the City Municipal Code, establishing the regulatory framework for cannabis businesses within the City. In 2024, the City Council adopted Resolution 022-2024, which outlined specific procedures for the permitting and operation of cannabis businesses.
The City of Santee is currently in the process of reviewing Commercial Cannabis Business (CCB) Permit Applications for retail locations proposed within the City of Santee. This process ensures compliance with all local regulations and helps establish a well-regulated cannabis industry that aligns with community standards and state requirements.
We encourage all interested parties to visit this webpage regularly for the latest updates on the application process, permitting procedures, and other important information. In addition, we highly recommend signing up for e-notifications to stay informed about key developments and announcements.
Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
Does the City have an adopted Cannabis Ordinance?
Yes, Santee Municipal Code (SMC) 7.04 Cannabis Businesses. (Updated 8/15/2024)
How many commercial cannabis business (CCB) permits for retail applications will be approved?
Up to four retail applications, including applications for microbusinesses that include storefront retail activities, may be approved by City Council. (SMC 7.04.100) (Updated 8/15/2024)
How many CCBs currently exist within the City?
There are currently no approved CCBs within the City. Currently, no such CCBs are legally allowed under the City’s ordinance until a valid CCB permit is obtained and all legal requirements are satisfied. (Updated 3/7/25)
What land use designations allow retail CCBs?
Retail CCBs are allowed in the General Commercial (GC), Light Industrial (IL), and General Industrial (IG). (SMC 7.04.290) (Updated 8/15/2024)
Where can I read the rules and regulations that have been established?
Santee Municipal Code (SMC) 7.04 Cannabis Businesses
Application Procedures (Updated 8/15/2024)
How do I submit a Public Records Act (PRA) Request?
Requests for records may be submitted to the Clerk’s Office in person, by mail, or via email at (Updated 3/7/25)
Application Review FAQs
How many applications were received before the close of the application period?
16 applications were received prior to the close of the application period on Thursday, October 24, 2024 by 3 pm. (Updated 3/7/25)
What is the current status of the CCB permit retail applications?
There are four phases to the CCB permit retail application review, scoring and approval process as outlined in the Application Procedure and Review Criteria. The CCB permit application period has closed, and the 16 received applications are currently in Phase II of the review process. (Updated 3/7/25)
How many of the CCB permit retail applications were determined eligible for advancement from Phase I to Phase II?
All 16 applications were determined eligible for advancement from Phase I to Phase II. The Determination of Eligibility Letters for Phase I can be found under each applicant name on the cannabis webpage. (Updated 3/7/25)
If my application is determined not eligible for advancement during the four-phase process, is there an opportunity to appeal the determination?
A determination that an application is not eligible for advancement is subject to appeal in the manner prescribed by City Council Resolution No. 022-2024 and in accordance with SMC 7.04.220.
An applicant or permittee may appeal a decision to deny advancement in the selection process at each phase of the process leading to (but not including) the final selection phase by the City Council by filing a written appeal within 10 calendar days from the date of service of the notice of decision or action through
Any decision made by the City Council to award or not to award a CCB permit shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal. (Updated 3/7/25)
CCB Permit Retail Applications
Listed in Alphabetical Order |
Record ID | Name | Proposed Location | Phase I | Phase II | Phase III | Phase IV |
CAN-001032-2024 | BUZZ | 8011 Mission Gorge Road | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001021-2024 | Catalyst | 8625 Cuyamaca Street | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001033-2024 | Culture Cannabis Club | 8781 Cuyamaca Street Ste A, B, C, D | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001022-2024 | Dr. Green Thumb's | 10439 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001024-2024 | Embarc | 8017 Mission Gorge Road | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001019-2024 | Flame | 10723 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001023-2024 | Flyte | 9805 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001020-2024 | Green Reserve | 10612 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001028-2024 | Hightend | 9035 Mission Gorge Road | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001034-2024 | Leaf Society | 10806 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001035-2024 | March and Ash | 8665 Argent Street Ste B1 | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001025-2024 | Off the Charts | 8069 Mission Gorge Road | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001036-2024 | Santee Holistics | 10017 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001016-2024 | Siesta Life | 9855 Prospect Avenue Ste C | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001027-2024 | The Cake House | 9945 Prospect Avenue | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
CAN-001031-2024 | Wellgreens | 7751 Mission Gorge Road | Eligible for Advancement | Pending | Pending | Pending |
Timeline and Background Materials
Cannabis Business Update at the 3-27-2024 Santee City Council Meeting
Cannabis Business agenda item (Item #11 | Item #11 Correspondence)
3/08/24 - Meeting Notice Sent Out
Cannabis Business Update at the 3-13-2024 Santee City Council Meeting
Cannabis Business agenda item (Item #6) Click Here
Meeting Recording | Minutes
The Public Hearing and Introduction and First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santee, California, Amending Chapter 7.04 of Title 7 “ Public Peace, Morals, and Welfare” (Case file ZOA-2023-002) of Santee Municipal Code to allow cannabis manufacturing as a stand-alone use in the light industrial (IL) and general industrial (IG) zones and finding the ordinance is covered by the previously adopted mitigated negative declaration for the Santee cannabis business ordinance pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act was held at the February 28, 2024 Santee City Council Meeting.
To watch the discussion, please visit the timestamp 0:41:26 for the February 28, 2024 Santee City Council Meeting recording on SanteeTV.
2/23/24 - Meeting Notice Sent Out
Cannabis Business Update at the 2-28-2024 Santee City Council Meeting .
Cannabis Business agenda item (Item #7) Click Here.
The City of Santee is seeking proposals from qualified individuals to serve as a contract Administrative Hearing Officer to preside over hearings on cannabis appeals, review case documentation, prepare written determinations and all other services as outlined in the agreement for services. The RFP opened for bid on February 16, 2024 at 8am and closes on March 18, 2024 at 5pm.
A Cannabis Workshop was held at the January 24, 2024 Santee City Council Meeting.
To watch the update, please visit the timestamp 0:31:20 for the January 24, 2024 Santee City Council Meeting recording on SanteeTV.
1/19/24 - Meeting Notice Sent Out
We will have a Cannabis Workshop at the next Santee City Council Meeting occurring on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 6:30pm at Santee City Hall, Council Chambers (10601 Magnolia Ave. Santee, CA 92071). To view the Cannabis Workshop agenda item, please visit Item #5 on the agenda for the January 24 meeting*.
You can watch the meeting live on SanteeTV or AT&T channel 99, Cox channel 117 or Facebook Live @CityofSantee .
*Members of the public who wish to comment on matters on the City Council agenda or during Non-Agenda Public Comment may appear in person only and submit a speaker slip, before the item is called. Your name will be called when it is time to speak. Please note that while members of the public are generally permitted to speak for three minutes during the public comment period, in accordance with City Council Policy 2019-1, the Mayor may reduce the usual three minute time limit to provide for an orderly meeting when numerous comments are expected. (City Council Policy 2019-1, § 10.2; Gov. Code § 54954.3) Any reduction of speaker time will be announced before the public comment period begins
We will have a Cannabis Business update at the next Santee City Council Meeting occurring on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:30pm at Santee City Hall, Council Chambers (10601 Magnolia Ave. Santee, CA 92071). To view the Cannabis Business update agenda item, please visit Item #15 on the agenda for the December 13 meeting*.
You can watch the meeting live on SanteeTV or AT&T channel 99, Cox channel 117 or Facebook Live @CityofSantee .
*Members of the public who wish to comment on matters on the City Council agenda or during Non-Agenda Public Comment may appear in person only and submit a speaker slip, before the item is called. Your name will be called when it is time to speak. Please note that while members of the public are generally permitted to speak for three minutes during the public comment period, in accordance with City Council Policy 2019-1, the Mayor may reduce the usual three minute time limit to provide for an orderly meeting when numerous comments are expected. (City Council Policy 2019-1, § 10.2; Gov. Code § 54954.3) Any reduction of speaker time will be announced before the public comment period begins
On Wednesday, August 10 2022, the Santee City Council approved the Amendment to Chapter 7.04 of Title 7 (“Public Peace, Morals, and Welfare”) of the Santee Municipal Code to Regulate Cannabis Businesses. The ordinance went into effect on September 9, 2022. (Certified Copy of Ordinance No. 602). View the Ordinance map here.
City Council Meeting 11/10/2022 (Time Stamp 1:44:10)
Application Materials (2024) - City is not currently accepting applications
- Application Procedures Manual
- Cannabis Business Permit Application
- Financial Responsibility
- Indemnification Agreement
- How to Apply for a Cannabis Business Permit
- Property Owner Consent Landlord Affidavit
- Zoning Verification Letter Request Form
- Determination of Legal Parcel
- Request for Live Scan Service
- Background Application and Release Waiver