Santee City Council Meeting
Time: 6:30 PM
Santee City Hall
10601 Magnolia Ave.
Santee, CA 92071
The Santee City Council meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month in January - October and on the second Wednesday in November and December.
To learn more about how to participate please visit, About City Council Meetings and visit Agendas and Minutes for past agendas and meeting recordings.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Item 8 - Ordinance Exhibit A Attachment
Item 8 - Strike Through Version of TCSP Attachment
Item 8 - Santee TCSP Update Volume I: Final Environmental Impact Report Attachment
Item 8 - Santee TCSP Update Volume II: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report Attachment
Item 8 - Santee TCSP Update Volume III: Appendix A-H Attachment
Item 9 - Project Plans Attachment
Item 9 - Class 32 CEQA Exemption Analysis Attachment