This Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of Santee, a California charter city and municipal corporation, and Lakeside Fire Protection District, organized and existing under the Fire Protection District Law of 1987, Health and Safety Code section 13800 et seq.
On January 1, 2023, SLEMSA assumed operational and administrative control of prehospital ambulance delivery services in place of the now-dissolved County Service Area 69 (CSA 69). The transition eliminated an unnecessary layer of governance that enhanced local control and decision-making for ambulance service in the area formerly served by the dissolved CSA 69. A priority need identified by the newly established SLEMSA was increased ambulance service for Santee, Lakeside, and the unincorporated area referred to as Bostonia.
The governance of SLEMSA is comprised of a four-member Board of Commissioners, appointed from the elected officials from the member agencies. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for providing high level fiscal oversight of the ambulance service provided to the community. The administrative body is immediately subordinate to the Commission, know as the Board of Chiefs. Each agencies appoints 2 members from their agency for this Board.
Together the Commission and Board of Chiefs set policy and provide direction to the member agencies on matters concerning the governance and operation of the JPA.