
for Santee, California

Code and Ordinances

Santee Municipal Code
The Santee Municipal Code (SMC) lists laws that govern Santee.

Reference the SMC

Land Use Code/ Zoning
Title 13 of the Santee Municipal Code is the City’s Zoning Ordinance and is the primary tool for implementing the General Plan. The Land Use Code provides detailed standards for the development and use of land, including what types of uses are permitted in particular zones, minimum lot sizes, height restrictions, building setbacks, parking requirements, wall heights, sign criteria and other standards.

Santee Municipal Code Title 13

Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance
The City of Santee Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance promotes the values and benefits of landscaping practices that integrate and go beyond to in the effort to conserve water and use it efficiently.

Santee Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance


The City of Santee has several important plans that guide the development and maintenance of our City.

General Plan

The General Plan serves as a long-term policy guide for physical, economic, and environmental growth. It is a statement of the community's vision for ultimate growth. State law requires that every city prepare and adopt a comprehensive long-range plan to serve as a guide for the development of the community. City actions, such as those relating to land use allocations, annexations, zoning, subdivision and design review, redevelopment and capital improvements must be consistent with the General Plan. The General Plan designates land use categories for the entire city. Each land use category is identified and defined within the General Plan and includes information on the general uses, development, intensity, siting, and compatibility uses.

Town Center Specific Plan

The City of Santee is comprehensively updating the Town Center Specific Plan, which includes a reimagined Arts & Entertainment District at the core of the Town Center.  

Town Center Specific Plan

Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) Subarea Plan
Active Santee Plan

Active Transportation Plan

Gillespie Field Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan

Gillespie Field Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan

Safe Routes to School Plan

Safe Routes to School Plan

Sustainable Santee Plan

The Sustainable Santee Plan is the City of Santee's (City) roadmap to greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions to conform to State GHG emission reduction targets. The City is committed to providing a more livable, equitable, and economically vibrant community through the incorporation of energy efficiency features and reduction of GHG emissions. Through the Sustainable Santee Action Plan, the City has established goals and policies that incorporate environmental responsibility into its daily management of its community and municipal operations.



Find What You're Looking For

In Santee, California

Center Specific Plan

Dwelling Units

/ Handouts


Municipal Code/Zoning


Additional Resources

Accessory Dwelling Units
The City of Santee Planning and Building Department is available to help residents interested in Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). ADU’s include granny flats, in-law suites, second units and casitas. ADUs are experiencing a boost in popularity among homeowners. 

Accessory Dwelling Units

Essential Housing 
The Essential Housing Program was adopted on August 25, 2021 by Ordinance 592 to boost housing production and improve housing affordability. It addresses the current housing crisis by expediting and incentivizing the construction of new housing over a five-year period.

Essential Housing


Planning & Building Department

Phone: 619-258-4100 ext. 167
Hours: M–Th 8:00am–1:00pm | 2:00pm-5:00pm*, F 8:00am-1:00pm
*Building Division is closed 1:00pm-2:00pm M-Th

Santee City Hall, Planning & Building Department
10601 Magnolia Avenue, Building 4
Santee, CA 92071

City of Santee Seal
City of Santee
10601 Magnolia Ave.
Santee, CA 92071

City Hall Operational Hours:
M-Th 8:00am – 5:00pm, F 8:00am – 1:00pm

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