Construction Sites

Can Protect Water Quality

Construction activities include: clearing, grubbing, grading, stockpiling, excavation, building, landscaping, utility installation, and street improvements. When improperly managed, these activities can generate pollutants and negatively impact our local waterways. A tidy site with appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) not only helps protect water quality, but is also less likely to receive complaints from neighbors.

Construction Project Requirements:

  • All construction sites are required to prepare an Erosion Control Plan and submit it for review and approval before starting construction activities. The Erosion Control Plan must include all BMPs applicable to your project, such as erosion/sediment control, materials and waste storage, and inlet protection.
  • Storm Water Notes section within the Erosion Control Plan sheet, describing the minimum BMPs and all additional BMPs applicable to your project.
  • Construction related reports and plan sheets must be site specific. Refer to the industry standards found in the California Storm Water Quality Association Construction Handbook for guidance.

For More Information on Construction Projects:

Is Your Project One Acre or Larger?

Projects one acre or larger are subject to the State’s Construction General Permit (Permit). Key requirements include:

  1. Apply for and obtain a State Construction General Permit. All projects that are over one acre in size will also be required to obtain permit coverage and submit applicable reports and documentation.
  2. Submit a copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City during the project review process.
  3. Prior to commencing work, the project proponent must have a complete SWPPP, with section divider tabs and blank forms, available at the construction site at all times.
  4. Maintain an up-to-date SWPPP and make timely amendments as changes arise.
  5. Document inspections at the frequency described within the permit.
  6. Implement the Construction Site Monitoring Plan, which addresses water sampling and laboratory analysis, and rain event action plans.
  7. Submit an Annual Report and renew permit each July.

Corrective Action Response:

A Corrective Action Response (CAR) is a written response submitted to the City, which acknowledges the violation(s), states corrective measures taken, and describes preventative measures to be implemented. CARs are typically required by sites where violations of the municipal code have been observed, and must be submitted to the City within a given time frame in order to close-out the inspection. A CAR must always include documentation of employee training and supporting documentation, such as photos and service records.  




Phone: 619-258-4100 ext. 167
Hours: M–Th 8:00am-5:00pm, F 8:00am-1:00pm

Santee City Hall, Engineering Department
10601 Magnolia Avenue, Building 4
Santee, CA 92071

City of Santee Seal
City of Santee
10601 Magnolia Ave.
Santee, CA 92071

City Hall Operational Hours:
M-Th 8:00am – 5:00pm, F 8:00am – 1:00pm

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