Development Planning
Can Protect Water Quality
The addition of waterproof surfaces such as pavement or rooftops during development projects can be a key contributor to increased runoff volumes, which can then lead to increased erosion and transportation of sediment and other pollutants to our local waterways.
The County of San Diego Campus: Smart Design (LEED certified) included green roof, solar, permeable pavements, water-wise landscape, site designed to drain to landscape.
To address these conditions, the City has established minimum design standards for new development and redevelopment projects, including permanent, post-construction storm water control and Low Impact Development measures.
Refer to the City's Minimum Development Standards Fact Sheet for an outline of the City's requirements for all development projects.
New and Redevelopment Projects
The City requires post-construction BMPs, otherwise known as Treatment Control BMPs (TCBMPs), through the development review process. Refer to the City's Best Management Practices (BMP) Design Manual for specific guidance on the selection and sizing criteria for TCBMPs. Once construction has been completed, the City continues to track and enforce operation and maintenance following project completion. The BMP Design Manual, Appendix E is a good resource for maintenance needs and procedures. The City also has a list of approved plantings.
Development Submittal Package
Numbers 6-8 are Post Construction Forms (Required for PDPs ONLY)
- Storm Water Intake Form: All projects must submit this form along with the project application.
- BMP Plan Sheet: All projects must submit this plan sheet along with their grading or renovation plans. This single Plan Sheet shows both temporary and permanent BMPs and graphically demonstrates the location of each required site design, source control, and structural BMP. Each permanent BMP must be uniquely coded / numbered. The plan must also include: a matric listing all BMPs and provided references to the specific construction drawing sheet where each of the BMPs are shown; references to any associated specification sheets (CASQA or Caltrans); and a brief description of maintenance requirements. A copy of the BMP Plan Sheet must be attached to each construction drawing set (building, mass grading, finished grading, improvements, and grading).
- Priority Development Project (PDP) Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Template: All PDPs are required to submit a SWQMP (which includes an Operations and Maintenance Plan) to the City for review and approval. The guidance for the preparation of a SWQMP can be found within the BMP Design Manual.
- Standard Development Package (SDP) Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Template: All SDPs are required to submit a SWQMP to the City for review and approval. The guidance for the preparation of a SWQMP can be found within the BMP Design Manual.
- Hydromodification Plan (HMP) - BMP Design Manual - Chapter 6: Guidance on the preparation of an HMP can be found in the City's Best Management Practices (BMP) Design Manual. All PDPs must either submit an HMP to the City for review and approval, or submit a report that is signed and stamped by the Engineer of Record which provides the justification for an HMP exemption.
- BMP Certification Form: Once all permanent BMPs are in place, the Engineer of Record must complete, sign, and stamp this certification form. In addition, supporting documentation must also be provided. Since some portions of the structural BMP will not be readily visible after completion of construction (e.g. subsurface layers), the City requires that engineering inspections be completed throughout construction. Moreover, the project proponent is required to document all phases of the construction and installation of each BMP. At a minimum, documentation shall include photographic documentation showing all phases of construction, an installation log sheet, BMP related material receipts, and other supporting documentation as requested. This certification package confirms that all BMPs were appropriately sized per the design specifications indicated in the SWQMP. Occupancy will NOT be granted until this form is submitted and accepted by the City.
- Facility Maintenance Agreement (FMA): The FMA will be filled out by City staff. This document is provided as an example only. All PDPs will be required to have a recorded Facility Maintenance Agreement with the County Recorder's Office. This document is then incorporated into the property's Title Report and will remain on the property's Title through all ownership transfers. This agreement legally binds the property owner to operate and maintain all permanent BMPs per the SWQMP. All BMPs must remain in place and be properly maintained to ensure that they function as intended for perpetuity.
- Annual Certification Form: Upon project completion, and once occupancy has been granted, the property owner or Legally Responsible Party will be required to complete this form and submit to the City annually, by September 15th of each year. This form is used to demonstrate that all BMPs remaining in place have been maintained per the SWQMP and are functioning as intended.