Treatment Control Best Management Practices
And Water Quality Features
Annual Certification
All properties with TCBMPs are required to certify that these features are properly maintained and functioning as intended. The City ensures and enforces this through the Annual Certification. Each property with TCBMPs must submit an Annual Certification Form online, which certifies and demonstrates that these devices have been properly maintained throughout the year. The annual maintenance cycle is September 1 - August 31 of each year (i.e. Sept 1, 2020-Aug 31, 2021). Please complete the form online by September 15 of each year.
Most properties developed post 2000 were required to install and maintain water quality features, otherwise known as Treatment Control BMPs (TCBMPs). These permanent devices are in place, not only to treat runoff and decrease water flow, but help decrease property flooding and decrease the amount of pollution entering the San Diego River. Overall, these devices support healthy ecosystems downstream and clean waterways.
The most common types of TCBMPs include:
- Vegetative Swales
- Tree Wells
- Bioswales
- Permeable Pavement/Pavers
- Storm Drain Filters
- Underground Detention Basins
Maintenance Requirements
The functionality, effectiveness, and longevity of these devices is highly dependent on the maintenance. The property must maintain their devices per the frequency outlined in their Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SQWMP). Please note, TCBMPs are permanent and cannot be removed. Operations and Maintenance requirements are passed down to each new property owner through the Facilities Maintenance Agreement document, a legally binding document that details the maintenance agreement between the City and the property owner. For further information about maintenance, please refer to the TCBMP Guide. The following maintenance fact sheets are available for your reference: