Fair Housing & AB987 Inventory

in Santee, California

Under direction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City of Santee has a responsibility to affirmatively further fair housing.

The City’s Fair Housing program’s purpose is to reduce housing discrimination in the housing rental, sales, lending, and insurance markets on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, familial status (presence of children), or handicap, in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.  

The City of Santee has contracted with CSA San Diego County (CSA)  to serve as its Fair Housing Program Administrator. CSA is responsible for sponsoring public fair housing educational activities, fair housing outreach activities, and fair housing referral activities, as well as promoting the San Diego Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, as accepted by the Santee City Council on June 10, 2020.


At-Risk Housing

The City of Santee actively monitors housing at risk of losing affordability restrictions due to a termination of subsidy contract, mortgage prepayment, or expiring use restrictions.  The following table is an inventory of affordable housing within the City:

Project NameTotal UnitsAssisted UnitsFunding SourceEarliest Date of Conversion# Units at Risk
Cedar Creek Apartments4847LIHTCYear 202547
Revenue BondYear 2025
Redevelopment Set-AsideYear 2065
Forester Square Apartments4443LIHTCYear 202543
Revenue BondYear 2025
Redevelopment Set-AsideYear 2068
Laurel Park Senior Apartments133132CDLAC BondYear 2031132
Woodglen Vista Apartments188188HFDA/Section 812/31/20250
Carlton Country Club Villas130121Section 236 0
Section 84/30/2038
Shadow Hill Apartments8181CDLAC Bond Year 20650
Total Assisted Units624612  222
Source: City of Santee, 2020; and the HUD Multifamily Assistance and Section 8 Contracts Database, as of 8/24/2020.


During the 2021-2031 “at-risk” housing analysis period, three assisted housing projects in Santee are at risk of converting to market-rate housing. As of April 15, 2021, 222 units were at risk of converting to market rate rents. Of these units, 47 are within the Cedar Creek Apartments, 43 within the Forester Square Apartments, and 132 in the Laurel Park Senior Apartments. The Cedar Creek Apartments and Forester Square Apartments units are not in immediate risk of conversion. While the use of LIHTC gives them the relief option of converting to market-rate by 2025, because of the use of redevelopment set-aside funding, these projects are locked into a 55-year affordability period, ending in 2065.

The City proactively monitors these units and, should a notice of intent to convert to market rate be filed, the City will work with potential purchasers to preserve the units, and ensure that tenants were properly notified of their rights under California law.



AB 987

In accordance with the provisions of Assembly Bill (AB) 987, a worksheet describing existing housing units that were either developed or otherwise assisted with Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Funds, has been prepared and posted for public review.  Pursuant to AB 987, below is the database of affordable rental units assisted by the former City of Santee Redevelopment Agency.

Also, in accordance with the law, this database does not include any property used to confidentially house victims of domestic violence.

Please be aware that this is simply a listing of affordable housing that has been assisted with low- to moderate-income housing funds: it is not a listing of currently available housing. To determine whether there are vacancies at any of the rental locations, please contact the apartment complexes directly

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CSA San Diego County

Email: outreach@c4sa.org
Phone: 619-444-5700
Toll Free: 800-954-0441

327 Van Houten Avenue
El Cajon CA 92020

City of Santee Seal
City of Santee
10601 Magnolia Ave.
Santee, CA 92071

City Hall Operational Hours:
M-Th 8:00am – 5:00pm, F 8:00am – 1:00pm

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