Emergency Key Boxes
In Santee, California
Ordering a Knox Box
A Knox Box is a secure key safe that is mounted on the exterior of a building. It allows emergency responders to quickly access the building in the event of a fire, alarm, or other emergency without having to force entry. The Knox Box holds keys to the building, which only the local emergency services can access.
How to Order
To order a Knox Box, take the following steps:
- Go to www.knoxbox.com.
- Click the red 'BUY' button.
- Enter the state (California) and the local emergency responder (Santee Fire Dept).
- Chose "Santee Fire Dept - BUILDINGS" for Knox boxes
- Chose "Santee Fire Dept - GATES" for gates and padlocks.
- Select the product(s), input the installation address, acknowledge any alerts, and add the item(s) to your cart.
- Complete the checkout process.
Additional Information
- For questions about which type of Knox Box is appropriate for your building, contact us at 619-258-4100.
- Commercial Knox Boxes should be installed near the annunciator panel and/or zone map at approximately five feet up from the floor. Residential Knox Boxes should be installed near the entrance of your home.
- The cost to re-key a Knox product is $75 plus shipping and handling. Contact Knox Customer Service at 800-566-9269 to set up a re-key.
- If you need assistance placing an order, contact Knox Customer Service at 800-566-9269 or info@knoxbox.com.
- Do not tie the Knox Box into the building's alarm system. These boxes are routinely opened during annual fire inspections to assure the keys are up to date for emergencies and we do not want to create unneeded false alarms.