Pool Heating Systems
In Santee, California
The City of Santee has established an expedited permitting process for the installation of certain rooftop solar pool heating systems. Qualifying systems may be approved based on conformance with standardized criteria.
In order to qualify for expedited permitting, a solar pool heating system must conform with the following:
- System capacity is 30 kWth (462 square feet of collector) or less
- The solar array is flush roof-mounted on one- or two-family dwelling or accessory structure
- The solar collector arrays will not exceed the maximum legal building height
- Solar collectors are certified by an accredited listing agency
- Building Permit application is completed and attached
- Heat transfer fluid is either water or a nontoxic fluid
To obtain expedited review, an applicant must complete and submit an “Eligibility Checklist” and supporting documentation. (The checklist and other required forms are available online.).
- An application determined by city staff to satisfy the submittal requirements described on the checklist shall be deemed complete. Complete applications will be reviewed to determine whether the application meets local, state, and federal health and safety requirements.
- If an application is complete and meets local, state and federal health and safety laws and regulations, the City will issue a nondiscretionary permit. If an application is deemed incomplete, a written correction notice detailing all deficiencies in the application and any additional information or documentation required to be eligible for expedited permit issuance will be sent to the applicant for resubmission.
- For a residential rooftop solar pool heating system eligible for expedited review, only one inspection will be required. The inspection will be performed by the Planning & Building Department and may include a consolidated inspection with the Fire Department. The inspection will be done in a timely manner. If a solar pool heating system fails inspection, a subsequent inspection is authorized.